Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Military Sites, Prisons and Other Secure Residential Establishments
What will these policies do?
Operational facilities in Rutland currently include Kendrew Barracks at Cottesmore (formerly RAF Cottesmore), St George's Barracks at North Luffenham and HMP Stocken. It is expected that the use of these facilities will change and may need to expand during the plan period. A separate policy (SS4) is included for St George's Barracks which is expected to close in 2026. Policies SS5 and SS6 will not apply to the redevelopment of St Georges Barracks.
The following two policies will enable the Council to plan positively for the continuing operational use and potential change of use which may arise from these sites during the plan period. The MOD, as a Crown body, also has permitted development rights on Crown Land whereby planning permission would not be required for certain types of development and so Policy SS6 would not be applicable to such proposals.
Policy SS5 – Use of military bases and other secure residential establishments for operational or other purposes View responses
Development required for the continued operation of military bases or prisons will be acceptable within (and immediately adjacent to) the areas shown on the policies map, provided that, wherever possible, it would:
- re-use previously developed land and buildings;
- keep the use of undeveloped land to a minimum and is justified on the basis of national prison or defence requirements;
- not lead to undue disturbance to nearby local communities through traffic, noise, military, or prison activity;
- protect and enhance the countryside and character of the landscape, natural and cultural heritage, and heritage assets and their settings;
- provide satisfactory access arrangements and not result in unacceptable levels of traffic on the surrounding highway network;
- incorporate high quality design which makes provision for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and waste management;
- incorporate satisfactory water and wastewater arrangements ensuring there is no increased risk of flooding and pollution;
- ensure that potential risks from former uses of the sites are assessed and that soil and groundwater are cleaned up where necessary, in line with requirements of Policy SC4.
The small-scale development of an individual building, or part of a military base or prison for alternative uses which are not required for the operation of the establishment, will be given favourable consideration provided that it complies with the key requirements set out in Policy SS6 (Re-use of redundant military bases and prisons) and that it would not adversely affect the operational use of the establishment.
Policy SS6 – Re-use of redundant military bases and other secure residential establishments View responses
Any proposal for the comprehensive re-use or redevelopment of redundant military bases and other secure residential establishments should be planned and developed in a holistic and co-ordinated manner.
Proposals must be in accordance with an agreed development brief or masterplan setting out the main requirements of the scheme. This could form part of a supplementary planning document or a development plan document to be prepared in consultation with the landowner, prospective developers, the Council and local communities.
Proposals should demonstrate and ensure that they:
- re-use existing land and suitable buildings and where appropriate minimise any built development on undeveloped land within the curtilage; and
- minimise disturbance to nearby local communities through traffic, noise, other activities or uses;
- protect and where possible, enhance the countryside and character of the landscape, natural and cultural heritage and heritage assets and their settings;
- be subject to a transport assessment demonstrating that the proposal can be accessed satisfactorily, or mitigate unacceptable traffic impact on the surrounding road network and will be accessible or could improve access by public transport and include measures to encourage walking and cycling;
- incorporate high quality design and construction including the need for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and waste management;
- ensure appropriate new and/or improved physical, social and community infrastructure is provided to serve the needs arising from the proposed development and during construction;
- incorporate satisfactory water and wastewater arrangements ensuring there is no increased risk of flooding and pollution;
- ensure that potential risks from former uses of the sites are assessed and that soil and groundwater are cleaned up where necessary, in line with requirements of Policy SC4.
Why are these policies needed?
Operational facilities in Rutland form an important part of the local economy and community. Sites generally include extensive areas of land and buildings including ex-airfields, technical buildings, community, and leisure facilities for use by service personnel, as well as military housing.
Development in connection with the use of military bases and prisons will normally need planning permission with the exception of some special arrangements concerned with national security and defence urgency and enforcement.
Sites are often located in remote countryside locations where new development would normally be restricted; it is recognised however that some flexibility may be needed where development is needed for operational purposes. Policy SS6 for operational uses of military and prison sites recognises the need to be flexible in considering proposals which are necessary for the continuing operation of such sites. Site boundaries within which the policy applies are shown on the Policies Map. Operation uses will not be expected to extend beyond these boundaries. The policy also allows for the alternative use of an individual building or part of a military base or prison where it is small in scale and would not adversely affect the use of the area for operational purposes.
Proposals for the re-use of a redundant military base or prison other than St George's or Woolfox (which are covered by a separate policy) are likely to be significant and may need to be considered via a review of the local plan or through the development of a separate Development Plan Document. Policy SS6 sets out the key requirements that need to be considered for any alternative uses of the remaining military base or prison setting out criteria relating to the re-use of existing land and buildings, disturbance to local communities, protecting the countryside, landscape and ecology, accessibility, design and construction, renewable energy, and energy efficiency. The detailed requirements of any alternative uses would need to be the subject of a master plan or development brief or through a development plan document and must be based on robust evidence. Proposal will be subject to publicity and consultation. Major proposals, beyond those proposed within this plan, would need to be considered in the context of the spatial strategy and are likely to trigger the review of this local plan.
Supporting Evidence