Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan

Ended on the 2 December 2024

Caravan and Camping Sites, Lodges, Log Cabins, Chalets and similar forms of Self-Serviced Holiday Accommodation

What will this policy do?

The policy requires proposals for new caravan and camping sites, lodges, log cabins, chalets and similar forms of self-serviced holiday accommodation to be located in appropriate locations with flexibility to allow existing businesses within the countryside the opportunity to expand where appropriate.

The preferred location for caravan and camping sites, lodges, log cabins, chalets and similar forms of self-serviced holiday accommodation is within or adjoining the planned limits of development of a sustainable settlement. This is to enable visitors to access a range of services by a choice of travel modes (including on foot). Such development will not normally be permitted in the Countryside in order to protect the area. This would not prevent the expansion of existing businesses to an appropriate scale, or the re-use of existing buildings subject to other relevant local plan policies.

Policy E9 – Caravans, camping, lodges, log cabins, chalets and similar forms of self-serviced holiday accommodation View responses

In areas outside the Rutland Water Area and the Eyebrook Reservoir Area, Caravans, Camping, Lodges, Log Cabins, Chalets and other similar forms of self-serviced holiday accommodation will only be acceptable where all of the following criteria are met:

  1. they are well related to an existing settlement and/or tourism attraction or recreation facility;
  2. provision is made to minimise disruption and prevent pollution;
  3. they are located with convenient access to supporting facilities;
  4. they would not result in an unacceptable increase in the amount of car travel;
  5. they are not of a scale and design which would be detrimental to environmental, amenity and highway considerations
  6. they have good access to public rights of way or cycle paths; and other non-vehicular means of access; and
  7. they are not detrimental to visual amenity and the appearance of the landscape.

Where planning permission is granted for this type of development, planning conditions and/or legal agreement will be used to prevent the accommodation being used as a permanent residence.

Why is this policy needed?

There continues to be considerable demand for camping, glamping and caravanning facilities in Rutland, as evidenced by enquiries to Rutland Tourism, particularly in locations well related to Rutland Water. Whilst such development can provide a welcome form of accommodation for tourists and other visitors to the area, it can have a major impact on the local environment, visual amenity and on levels of car usage in the local area.

Policy EN10 (Rutland Water Area) makes it clear that caravan and camping sites will not be acceptable within the defined Rutland Water Area except in the three defined recreation areas of Sykes Lane, Normanton and Gibbet Lane subject to such development being appropriate to the area in terms of its scale, location and impact on the surrounding area.

Policy EN11 (Eyebrook Reservoir Area) makes it clear that caravan and camping sites will not be acceptable within the defined Eyebrook Reservoir Area.

In the countryside there is evidence of increased demand for self-catering accommodation in static holiday caravans, camping, glamping and holiday lodges, cabins, chalets or similar buildings or structures not designed as appropriate for use as permanent residences. The siting, scale and intensity of use of sites for such uses must be carefully considered in order that a proposal minimises its impact on the landscape, the environment and surrounding uses.

Supporting Evidence

Rutland's Economic Strategy (May 2023)
Rutland Employment Needs & Economic Development Evidence (2023)
Discover Rutland's Tourism Strategy 2020-2025

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