Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Housing Density
What will the policy do?
The policy sets a minimum housing density for the County whilst encouraging development to make the most effective use of land. Density of new development is required to consider the character and setting of the area in which it is located and the importance of securing well designed attractive and healthy places. This will result in a mix of high- and low-density development in different parts of the County.
Policy H3 - Housing density View responses
New residential development is required to make the most efficient use of land whilst responding to local character, context, and distinctiveness. Residential densities will vary dependent upon the local area context and character and the sustainability of the location, but generally should be no less than 25 dph (dwellings per hectare).
Why is this policy needed?
The NPPF states that local planning authorities should promote an effective use of land taking account of the need for housing and development within their area together with the local housing market and viability, the character and setting of an area and the importance of securing well designed attractive and healthy places.
The evidence on density requirements for new development has been reviewed and shows that the previous policy requirements for density has not generally been met. The Council has decided that a better approach is to promote the efficient use of land in a way which responds to and reflects the local character and the opportunities presented by the site. This will result in a mix of high- and low-density development in different parts of the County.
Neighbourhood plans may establish locally appropriate density standards where they have evidence that the standard(s) meets the requirements of national and strategic policies in terms of making the most effective use of land and delivering housing and other development needs; and that the density or densities are appropriate for the Neighbourhood Plan area.
Supporting Evidence
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHELAA (December 2019)
Whole Plan Viability Assessment (October 2023)