Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan

Ended on the 2 December 2024

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)

What will this policy do?

The policy will try to improve the provision and quality of digital communications including broadband across Rutland to ensure that all new workplaces are connected by fibre or are able to be connected in the future.

Policy E7 - Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) View responses

All new commercial proposals of 100sqm or over shall be provided with FTTP connections to an approved industry standard within the building together with suitable ducting/cabling to the public highway to allow connections to be made.

Where it can be demonstrated that FTTP is not cost effective, then alternative technological options, for example Superfast Fibre to the Cabinet or Fixed Wireless Access, must be provided. For such schemes, provision in the form of ducting and other necessary infrastructure for the future delivery of FTTP is required, where possible.

The Council will require applicants to demonstrate evidence of discussions with service providers and documentary evidence in relation to the cost effectiveness of providing connections via the submission of a Digital Infrastructure Delivery Plan

Why is this policy needed?

High quality digital infrastructure is crucial to the success of businesses and also plays a vital role in enhancing the provision of local community facilities, services, and employment. Well-connected places attract modern businesses and can create the conditions for new clusters of digital and creative businesses to emerge.

Access to high quality digital infrastructure can also facilitate social inclusion, enable home working, diversify the rural economy, enhance educational and social opportunities, as well as improve access to a wide range of services that are increasingly provided online. Consequently, high quality digital infrastructure will make a significant contribution towards the delivery of sustainable development.

New development should ensure that it has considered any need and demand resulting from the development and taken proactive steps in engaging with service and infrastructure providers to ensure that there is high-speed fibre broadband connectivity or mobile internet coverage in the development.

Supporting Evidence

Rutland's Economic Strategy (May 2023)
Rutland Employment Needs & Economic Development Evidence (2023)

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