Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan

Ended on the 2 December 2024

Retail in the Neighbourhood Centres and Larger Villages

What will this policy do?

The policy recognises that local neighbourhood and village shops are important to rural communities and contribute to sustainable development and the health and wellbeing of communities. The policy therefore provides support to small scale proposals (typically this is expected to be under 300 sqm) for new and expanded local shops within villages and neighbourhood centres. The protection of community facilities, including local shops is also covered by policy SC6.

Policy E13 - Retail in the neighbourhood centres and larger villages

Local shops form an important resource for businesses, visitors and residents.

The expansion and additional provision of local shops of a scale proportionate to the existing settlement or the planned expansion of that settlement will be supported by the Council provided that the proposal adds to the range and accessibility of goods and services within the location, or it is demonstrated that the proposal will improve the viability of the existing business.

New retail facilities within neighbourhood centres and the larger villages should take account of the existing population and their needs as well as the strategic needs of any new development.

Policy SC6 will be used to consider proposals which would result in the loss of existing shops.

Why is this policy needed?

It is important to support and protect the role of neighbourhood centres and community shops in the larger villages. The Council will support proposals for the conversion or extension of shops that are designed to improve their viability and will actively seek to restrict the loss of such services to preserve and enhance the settlement's vitality and viability.

Whilst it is considered that other centres in the County are unsuitable locations for new retail and town centre uses, applications which seek to deliver local-scale enhancements to shopping provision (typically expect this to be under 300 sqm. net floorspace) may be acceptable and should be considered on individual merits.

Local neighbourhood shops are important in providing for the day-to-day needs of local communities in both the towns and the villages. Typically, these include a small range of shops of a localised nature such as a small convenience store and newsagent. These existing uses will be protected and where a need is established, new shops to meet day to day needs within communities will be supported.

Supporting Evidence

Rutland Retail, Leisure and Town Centres Study 2023

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