Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Net zero carbon (operational)
What will the policy do?
Policy CC4 requires new development to be built with 'the capacity to generate its own, low – or zero - carbon, energy. For residential development, this means that as well as the high standards for space heating demands and, energy use intensity set out in Policy CC2 development should include the installation of renewable energy technology such as solar photovoltaics (PV) to meet the development's own energy need.
Policy CC4 - Net zero carbon (operational) View responses
All development proposals and all residential development proposals should provide for the maximum generation of renewable electricity as practically and viably possible on-site (and preferably on-plot).
Proposals supported by an Energy Statement should cover:
- The submission of design stage estimates of energy performance; and
- Prior to any property being occupied, the submission of updated, accurate and independently verified 'as built' calculations of energy performance.
Why is this policy needed?
The Government is committed to improving the energy efficiency of new homes through the Building Regulations system, under the Future Homes Standard (FHS). The introduction of the FHS will ensure, it is proposed, that an average home will produce at least 75% lower CO2 emissions than one built to Part L 2013 standards (this is approximately equivalent to 63% reduction on today's standard, Part L 2021). This is done through improvements to the minimum standards for insulation, glazing, and efficiency of the heating system (using a heat pump as the new benchmark, instead of gas). The Government intends that homes built under the FHS will therefore be 'zero carbon ready,' meaning that in the longer term, no further retrofit work for energy efficiency will be necessary to enable them to become zero-carbon homes as the electricity grid continues to decarbonise.
Working alongside the FHS, Policy CC4 sets out how new residential development in Rutland will ensure energy efficiency to the degree required within the UK's carbon trajectory, and also ensure that this is matched with renewable energy as the new homes come forward, so that the new growth does not add to the already huge challenge of rapidly reducing Rutland's existing emissions and reaching net zero carbon by 2050.
Policies CC2, CC3 and CC4 include a requirement for an Energy Statement and also sets certain standards of performance. By the point of adopting this Local Plan, or very shortly thereafter, Rutland County Council will publish a series of guidance notes and templates so that meeting the requirements of these policies can be demonstrated efficiently, effectively and consistently.
Supporting Evidence
Climate change evidence base
Zero Carbon Policy Options for Net Zero Carbon Developments A Climate Change Legislation (July 2023)
Zero Carbon Policy Options for Net Zero Carbon Developments B(i) Carbon Reduction (July 2023)
Zero Carbon Policy Options for Net Zero Carbon Developments B(ii) Risk Matrix (July 2023)
Whole Plan Viability Study (October 2023)