Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan

Ended on the 2 December 2024

Safeguarding minerals development

What will the policy do?

Existing sites and facilities for the storage, handling and processing of minerals and materials for concrete production as well as associated facilities for the transport of such materials form part of the infrastructure network that supports minerals development. Some sites can be of a relatively low value land use and may be vulnerable to redevelopment for other uses and so should be safeguarded from proposals for non-minerals development where appropriate.

Policy MIN6 - Safeguarding of minerals development View responses

To safeguard the provision to be delivered by the allocated and committed mineral extraction sites, proposals for non-minerals development:

  1. within an allocated site must demonstrate that the site is no longer required to support the delivery of the adopted provision rate and/or to maintain landbanks (with reference to the most recent Local Aggregate Assessment); or
  2. adjacent to an allocated or permitted site must demonstrate that the proposed development would not prevent or unreasonably restrict the future extraction of minerals from the allocated site.

In order to ensure that there is a sufficient supply of material to support current community and businesses and planned growth the following minerals development will be safeguarded unless proposals for non-minerals development can demonstrate that alternative provision in the vicinity can be made, or there is no longer a need for the facility at that location.

Minerals development to be safeguarded includes:

  1. existing, planned and potential rail heads, rail links to quarries, wharfage and associated storage, handling and processing facilities for the bulk transport by rail or inland waterways of minerals, including recycled, secondary and marine-dredged materials; and
  2. existing, planned and potential sites for concrete batching, the manufacture of coated materials, other concrete products and the handling, processing and distribution of cement and substitute, recycled and secondary aggregate material.

Why is this policy needed?

National policy requires MPAs to safeguard existing, planned and potential facilities and sites for the storage, handling and transport of minerals to ensure that sites for these purposes are available should they be needed; and prevent sensitive or inappropriate development that would conflict with the use of sites identified for these purposes. MPAs are also required to safeguard allocated and committed mineral extraction sites from non-minerals development, to facilitate the steady and adequate supply of minerals.

Supporting evidence

Rutland Local Aggregates Assessment Draft 2024
Mineral Safeguarding Areas Methodology (August 2023)

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