Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan

Ended on the 2 December 2024

Chapter 12 – Monitoring and Review Framework View responses

The policies and proposals in the Local Plan are key to the delivery of the Vision and Objectives. However, it is important to recognise that other factors and processes will also influence this, including other organisation's plans and strategies and investment by the public, private and voluntary sectors, individuals and businesses.

The development management process is the key way in which the Local Plan policies will be implemented. Paragraph 47 of the NPPF reinforces the primacy of the Development Plan in the determination of planning applications. The Development Plan includes the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the Local Plan, any other relevant Development Plan Document (DPD), and made Neighbourhood Plans. Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and other material considerations will also be taken into account where relevant.

The Local Plan will have an important role in influencing investment decisions. Ultimately it is the investment of individuals, developers, businesses, residents and other organisations which deliver new development, economic growth and implement many of the Local Plan's policies. It is therefore important that the Local Plan provides clarity about what is required to deliver growth sustainably where it benefits the wider community.


The effectiveness of the policies and proposals in this Local Plan will be monitored using appropriate indicators and targets. The Council has developed a framework for monitoring the Local Plan that can assess the extent to which the strategy, vision and strategic objectives and policies and proposals are being achieved. This framework includes a series of indicators and targets which will be used to assess the extent to which policies in the Local Plan are being implemented. The monitoring framework is included in the table below and includes the housing trajectory which has been developed using information provided by landowners and developers alongside technical evidence and planning judgement to determine when allocated sites are expected to begin delivery and the anticipated rate of development on them.

The housing trajectory shows a higher than required rate of housing completions in the first 10 years of the plan period. This reflects the high level of housing commitments on sites with planning permission at the time the plan was prepared for submission to the Secretary of State. During the latter part of the plan period the level of housing development is expected to level off to a rate which more closely aligns to the annual need set out in the Spatial Strategy. This latter delivery is expected to come forward largely on the development of the large sites at Stamford North and St George's Barracks, subject to a separate DPD which is expected to be submitted for examination in 2025/26.

A key component of the monitoring process is the Authority Monitoring Report. This document is prepared annually based on the period 1st April to 31st March. The AMR is also required to assess the implementation of the Local Development Scheme (LDS) and the extent to which policies are being successfully implemented.

Implementation of the policies contained in the Local Plan will require concerted action by a range of public, private and third sector bodies working in partnership. The document's role is to provide a clear and robust framework for development in order that investment and action can be coordinated and geared to efficient and effective delivery.

Reviewing the Local Plan

National Planning Policy requires Local Plans to remain up to date. A review of the Rutland Local Plan will be undertaken at least once every five years to assess whether the Plan needs to be updated. This review will take into account changing circumstances which affect Rutland, changes to Local Housing Need and/or changes to national policy.

There may be a need to undertake an early review to the plan to take account of proposals emerging in the proposed St. George's Barracks DPD or in response to significant changes to national guidance.

Should annual monitoring of the key indicators set out in the Monitoring Framework reveal any significant failure(s) to meet targets, the Council will take action to rectify the situation as soon as possible. This will include a review of one or more policies or the whole Local Plan.

Delivery and Monitoring Statement

  1. The Local Plan aims to exceed the minimum housing requirement of 123 houses per annum over the plan period. This will ensure that the rate of housing delivery meets the minimum housing need and provides choice and contingency to the market.

    The housing trajectory set out in this plan will be used to monitor housing delivery. This will be updated each year in the Authority Monitoring Report. The trajectory will be used for the purposes of monitoring the phasing of housing delivery and for calculating 5-year housing land supply.
  2. Compliance with policies and allocations in the Local Plan will be regularly monitored throughout the plan period. If monitoring reveals that policies and allocations are not being achieved or more up to date forecasts suggest that the development needs of Rutland require different levels of development, the following mechanisms will be triggered:
    1. review of housing and employment land supply and allocations;
    2. the identification of appropriate action to unblock sites with planning permission or allocation, wherever possible in partnership with landowners and developers;
    3. action to bring forward development on previously developed land in suitable locations;
    4. action to secure the timely provision of infrastructure if this is seen to be blocking or stalling development;
    5. review of all, or relevant parts of, the Local Plan;
    6. the review Development Management processes;
    7. consider undertaking cooperation with other local authorities, including through duty to cooperate.

Reviewing the plan Statement

The Council will commit to reviewing the plan on a regular 5-year basis. It will use the monitoring framework to consider whether there are any issues which would trigger an early review of the Local Plan.

Specific issues that will be considered in requiring an early review include:

  1. progress being made towards the implementation of the spatial strategy set out in this plan;
  2. National policy changes which impact on the calculation of the minimum housing need or an updated assessment of employment needs;
  3. any strategic cross boundary issues which emerge through ongoing co-operation with neighbouring Local Planning Authorities.

Housing Trajectory

Figure 11 – Housing Delivery 2021-2041

Local Plan Delivery Trajectory (blue line), trajectory with Future Opportunity Areas (orange), Minimum Requirement (green). COMPLETIONS 2021/22: 96 (LP Trajectory), 123 (minimum). COMPLETIONS 2022/23: 97, 123. COMPLETIONS 2023/24: 110, 123. 2024/25: 198 (Future Opportunity Areas), 123 (minimum). 2025/26: 270, 123. 2026/27: 89 (LP Trajectory), 84 (Future Opportunity Areas), 123(minimum). 2027/28: 193 (Future Opportunity Areas), 123 (minimum). 267, 123. 2028/29: 267, 123. 2029/30: 255, 123. 2030/31: 229 (LP Trajectory), 259 (Future Opportunity Areas), 123 (minimum) 2031/32: 228, 278, 123. 2032/33: 143, 193, 123. 2033/34: 65, 115,123.  2034-2041: 50, 100, 123.

Table 6 – Data for Housing Delivery (Figure 11)

Completions 2021/22  Completions 2022/23 Completions 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2035/36 2036/37 2037/38 2038/39 2039/40 2040/41 Total
Minimum Requirement 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 2460
Local Plan Delivery Trajectory 96 97 110 198 270 89 193 267 255 229 228 143 65 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2590
Potential additional supply from Future Opportunity Areas (Policy SSA) - - - - - - - - - 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 530
Potential trajectory including future opportunity areas 96 97 110 198 270 84 193 267 255 259 278 193 115 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2812

Monitoring Framework

It is under the presumption that all applications which are approved are done so in accordance with all of the relevant policies set out in this Local Plan.





Chapter 4 – Climate Change

CC1: Supporting a Circular Economy

Number of completions - with the exception of householder applications for extensions and alterations- accompanied by a statement setting out their approach to site waste management and how construction waste will be addressed following the waste hierarchy


Monitoring of development completions via planning decisions.

CC2: Design Principles for Energy Efficient Buildings

Number of completions that are accompanied by Energy Statement


Monitoring of development completions via planning decisions.

CC3: Resilient and Flexible Design

As above

As above

As above

CC4: Net zero carbon (operational)

No indicator

CC5: Embodied Carbon

No indicator

CC6: Water Efficiency and Sustainable Water Management

Number of new dwellings completed achieving the Optimal Housing Standard of not exceeding 110 litres per day per for water efficiency


Monitoring of housing completions via planning decisions notices.

CC7: Reducing Energy Consumption in Existing Buildings

No indicator

CC8: Renewable Energy

The amount of energy generation capacity provided from dedicated renewable energy schemes completed.


Monitoring planning completions and accompanying information.

CC9: Protecting Renewable Energy Infrastructure

No indicator

CC10: Wider Energy Infrastructure

No indicator

CC11: Carbon Sinks

No indicator

CC12: Carbon Sequestration

No indicator

CC13: Provision for Electric Vehicle charging and Electric Bike parking

No indicator

CC14: Flood Risk

No indicator

Chapter 5: Spatial Strategy

SS1: Spatial Strategy for new development

The amount of development completed by location, in accordance with the Spatial Strategy for development.

Majority of development to be delivered at Oakham (and Barleythorpe), Uppingham and an urban extension at Stamford North, and then as per the Settlement Hierarchy as defined in SS1.

Monitoring of development completions via planning decisions.

SS2: Development within Planned Limits of Development

The number of major development applications outside the Planned Limits of Development refused planning permission, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications for major development outside the Planned Limits of Development allowed at appeal.

Planning Appeal decisions.

SS3: Small Scale development on the edge of Settlements

The number of applications for small scale development on the edge of settlements contrary to the criteria in Policy SS3, refused planning permission, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to SS3.

Planning Appeal decisions.

SS4: Future Opportunity Areas

Progress on preparation of separate DPD / Local Plan Review.

Local Plan Team

SS5: Use of military bases and other secure residential establishments for operational or other purposes

No Indicator

SS6: Re-use of redundant military bases and other secure residential establishments

No indicator

SS7: Residential Development in the open countryside

Total dwelling completions in the countryside.

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy SS7, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to SS7.

Monitoring of development completions via planning decisions.

Planning Appeal decisions.

SS8: Non-residential development in the countryside

Total non-residential completions in the countryside.

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy SS8, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to SS8.

Monitoring of development completions via planning decisions.

Planning Appeal decisions.

SS9: Conversion of buildings outside PLD's

Number of rural buildings in the countryside that are re-used and/or redeveloped for non-residential use

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy SS9, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to SS9.

Monitoring of development completions via planning decisions.

Planning Appeal decisions.

SS10: New Agricultural buildings

Total Agricultural building completions in the countryside.

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy SS10, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to SS10.

Monitoring of development completions via planning decisions.

Planning Appeal decisions.

Chapter 6: Housing

H1: Sites proposed for residential development

Total number of dwellings completed annually.

123 dwellings per annum.

Monitoring of housing completions via planning decisions/ building control records

H1.1 – H1.4: Development Principles for Housing Allocations

Total number of dwellings completed annually per site.

Deliver the indicative number of dwellings for each allocation.

Monitoring of housing completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

H2: Cross Boundary Development Opportunity – Stamford North

Total number of dwellings completed annually on Stamford North.

Deliver a total of no more than 650 dwellings over the plan period in accordance with Policy H2.

Monitoring of housing completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

H3: Housing density

Delivery of the most efficient and effective use of land.

Development to be built at no less than 25 dwellings per hectare, on sites over 1ha.

Monitoring of housing completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

H4: Meeting All Housing Needs

Major applications (10 dwellings or more) to provide a variety of house types, as identified in Policy H4, including specialist housing.

Delivery of suitable range and mix of house types, which are appropriate to their locations and local needs.

Monitoring of housing completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

H5: Accessibility Standards

No indicator

H6: Self-build and custom housebuilding

Number of self-build plots permitted.

Number of specifically stated self-build plots permitted as part of planning applications on sites of 30 or more units.

Meeting the demand for self-build and custom house building as established by the self-build and custom housebuilding register.

Sites of 50+ dwellings to provide 2% site capacity as self-build plots

Monitoring of housing completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

Monitoring Self Build register and annual reporting.

H7: Affordable housing

Proportion of housing completions on qualifying sites that are defined as affordable.

30% of total housing completions on all eligible sites as stated in Policy H7.

Monitoring of housing completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

H8: Rural Exception Housing

Number of rural exemption housing sites approved.

To respond positively to meet identified need.

Monitoring of housing completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

H9: First Homes Exception Sites

Number of First Homes exemption housing sites approved.

To respond positively to meet identified need.

Monitoring of housing completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

H10: Meeting the needs of Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show People

Number of approved Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Show People pitches delivered.

Delivery of specific allocations to meet identified need.

Meet the assessed needs of Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show People according to the RCC GTAA.

Zero unauthorised encampments per annum.

Monitoring of planning permissions, liaising with the community by MATU.

RCC Enforcement records.

Chapter 7 - Economy

E1: Strategic Employment Land Allocations

Total area of employment land completed annually (m2)

Total area of employment land completed annually/over the plan period (ha)

Deliver at least 16 ha employment land over the plan period

Monitoring of employment completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

E1.1 – E1.6 Development Principles for Employment Allocations

Total area of employment land completed annually per allocated site.

Deliver the employment development sites to the allocated use.

Monitoring of employment completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

E2: Employment development on unallocated sites

The amount of additional employment land completed on unallocated sites.

No specific target.

Monitoring of employment completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

E3: Protecting existing Employment Land and premises

Amount of land lost (m2) from existing employment sites as defined in Policy E3.

No loss of existing employment sites to other non-employment generating uses as defined in Policy E3.

Monitoring of employment completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

Planning Appeal Decisions

E4: Rural Economy

Amount of rural employment land (m2) completed for the uses defined in Policy E4, completed outside Oakham (and Barleythorpe), Uppingham and the Larger Villages, by location.

No specific target.

Monitoring of employment completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

E5: Sustainable farm diversification

Number of new farm diversification enterprises completed.

No specific target.

Monitoring of employment completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

E6: Employment and Skills

Number of employee jobs by industry.

Numbers of new or improved educational or vocational training facilities.

New business registration rate.

To improve workforce skill.

NOMIS – Official Census and Labour Market statistics

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

UK Business Counts

E7: Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)

No Indicator.

E8: Local Visitor Economy

Number of new or improved visitor economy type facilities completed by location.

No specific target.

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

E9: Caravans, camping, lodges, log cabins, chalets and similar forms of self-serviced holiday accommodation

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy E9, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to E9.

Planning Appeal decisions.

E10: Town Centres and Retailing

Total amount of new floor space (m2) by type for 'town centre uses' in Oakham and Uppingham.

To protect town centre uses and follow the town centre retail hierarchy.

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

E11: Primary shopping areas

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy E11, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal in Primary shopping areas contrary to E11.

Planning Appeal decisions.

E12: Site for retail development

No indicator.

E13: Retail in the neighbourhood centres and Larger Villages

No indicator.

Chapter 8: Sustainable Communities

SC1: Landscape Character

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy SC1, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to SC1.

Planning Appeal decisions.

SC2: Place Shaping Principles

No indicator.

SC3: Promoting Good Quality Design

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy SC3, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to SC3.

Planning Appeal decisions.

SC4: Pollution control

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy SC4, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

No application approved which would lead to unacceptable levels of pollution.

Planning Appeal decisions.

SC5: Designing safer and healthier communities

Number of major planning completions accompanied by a Health Impact Assessment

100% of applications for 10+ dwellings or 0.5ha for other uses accompanied by an HIA

Monitoring planning completions.

SC6: Community Facilities

The number of community facilities lost to alternative uses.

No loss of community facilities.

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

SC7: Provision of New Open Space

Delivery of Open Space in residential developments in accordance with Policy SC7.

All new residential developments of 10 dwellings or more to provide new or enhanced publicly accessible open space.

Residential development proposals of 300 or more dwellings to make provision on-site for outdoor sports facilities.

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

S106 Agreements

Chapter 9: Environment

EN1: Protection of Sites, Habitats and Species

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy EN1, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to EN1.

Planning Appeal decisions.

EN2: Local Nature Recovery Strategy

No indicator

EN3: Biodiversity Net Gain

Provision of at least 10% Biodiversity Net Gain for all qualifying developments secured in perpetuity.

Off-site BNG should be in accordance with the locational hierarchy as set out in Policy EN2.

Ensure all qualifying developments provide at least 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

No requirement for the purchase of statutory credits.

S106 Monitoring.

Biodiversity Net Gain Plans.

EN4: Trees, Woodland and Hedgerows

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy EN4, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to EN4.

Planning Appeal decisions.

EN5: Ancient Woodland and Ancient and Veteran Trees

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy EN5, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to EN5.

Planning Appeal decisions.

EN6: Protecting agricultural land

No loss of Grade 1 or 2 Agricultural Land unless allocated.

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy EN6, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero Grade 1 or 2 Agricultural Land developed except the allocated sites within this plan.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to EN6.

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

Planning Appeal decisions.

EN7: Green and Blue Infrastructure

No indicator

EN8: Important open space and frontages

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy EN8, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to EN8.

Planning Appeal decisions.

EN9: Local Green Spaces

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy EN9, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to EN9.

Planning Appeal decisions.

EN10: Rutland Water Area

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy EN10, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to EN10.

Planning Appeal decisions.

EN11: Eyebrook Reservoir Area

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy EN11, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to EN11.

Planning Appeal decisions.

EN12: The Historic and Cultural Environment

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy EN12, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to EN12.

Planning Appeal decisions.

EN13: Protecting Heritage Assets

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy EN13, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to EN13.

Planning Appeal decisions.

Chapter 10: Minerals

MIN1: Spatial strategy for minerals development

Approved proposals are

consistent with spatial


100% of approvals are

consistent with spatial


Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

MIN2: Mineral provision

Amount of aggregate produced in line with annual provision.

Size of landbank for crushed rock (limestone) and stock of permitted reserves for cement primary and secondary materials (limestone and clay)

Crushed rock production of

0.28 Mtpa

Cement production at

Ketton Cement Works of

around 1.4 Mtpa

Maintain landbanks of at

least 10 years for crushed rock,

and stock of permitted reserves of at least 15 years for cement primary and secondary materials

(limestone and clay) to maintain an existing plant, and at least 25 years where major plant investment is required.

Local Aggregates Assessment.

Minerals data from North Northants.

MIN3: Safeguarding Rutland's mineral resources

Approved proposals do

not have an adverse effect

on a safeguarded mineral

resource and meet criteria.

No sterilisation of mineral


100% of approvals meet


No appeals lost on

proposals not meeting


Minerals data from North Northants.

MIN4: Development criteria for mineral extraction

Approved proposals meet


100% of approvals meet


No appeals lost on

proposals not meeting


Minerals data from North Northants.

MIN5: Site-specific allocations for the extraction of building stone

Amount of building stone

produced and consumed

(sales) annually

Allocated site for building

stone extraction comes


Minerals data from North Northants.

MIN6: Safeguarding of minerals development

Approved proposals meet


100% of approvals meet


Minerals data from North Northants.

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

MIN7: Borrow pits

Approved proposals meet


100% of approvals meet


Minerals data from North Northants.

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

MIN8: Development criteria for other forms of minerals development

Approved proposals meet


100% of approvals meet


No appeals lost on

proposals not meeting


Minerals data from North Northants.

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

WST1: Capacity requirements and spatial strategy for waste:

Permitted waste

management and disposal

capacity for different waste


Approved proposals are

consistent with the waste

management and waste

disposal spatial strategies

Approved proposals meet criteria

Meet the indicative waste

capacity requirements in

the plan

100% of approvals

consistent with the spatial


100% of approvals meet criteria

No appeals lost on

proposals not meeting


Minerals data from North Northants.

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

WST2: Waste -related development

Approved proposals meet


100% of approvals meet


No appeals lost on

proposals not meeting


Minerals data from North Northants.

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

MIN9: Restoration and aftercare

Approved proposals meet


100% of approvals meet


No appeals lost on

proposals not meeting


Minerals data from North Northants.

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

MIN10: Implementation

No indicator

Chapter 11: Infrastructure

INF1: Infrastructure and connectivity

S106 and CIL information will be provided through the Infrastructure Funding Statement which can be found at:

INF2: Securing sustainable transport

Number of transport schemes delivered.

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy INF2, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to INF2.

Sustainable transport data.

Planning Appeal decisions.

INF3: Walking and Cycling and non-car based journeys

The number of applications refused planning permission contrary to Policy INF3, but subsequently allowed at appeal.

Zero applications allowed at appeal contrary to INF3.

An overall increase in high quality pedestrian and cycle routes and green corridors.

Planning Appeal decisions.

INF4: Supporting Community Health and Wellbeing

Number of new or improved health and wellbeing facilities by location.

An increase in health and wellbeing facilities to address the needs created by development.

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

CIL and S/106 expenditure

INF4.1 Allocation of Land for new Medical Centre – Empingham

The delivery of a new Medical Centre.

Relocation of Empingham Medical Centre.

Monitoring of completions via planning decisions/ building control records.

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