Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Protecting Renewable Energy Infrastructure
What will the policy do?
Policy CC9 safeguards existing renewable energy schemes and installations, to ensure that their benefits to the environment and users continue into the future.
Policy CC9 - Protecting Renewable Energy Infrastructure Comment
Development should not significantly harm:
- the technical performance of any existing or approved renewable energy generation facility;
- the potential for optimisation of strategic renewable energy installations; and
- the availability of the resource, where the operation is dependent on uninterrupted flow of energy to the installation.
Why is this policy needed?
In order to support the transition to a zero carbon Rutland, there is a need to move away from fossil fuels towards low carbon alternatives and this transition needs to take place with increasing momentum in order to stay within identified carbon saving targets.
The evidence of need for greater action on renewable energy generation from the Committee on Climate Change 2023 progress report, previously cited under the rationale for Policy CC8 (Renewable Energy), also applies to this policy CC9 as both relate to the need for an acceleration in the total amount of renewable energy generation in order to hit nationally legislated carbon budgets and national commitments around decarbonisation of the energy sector.