Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Sites for retail development
What will this policy do?
The provision of an allocation for non-food retail uses in Oakham may assist in reducing expenditure leakage and supporting more sustainable patterns of shopping. However no suitable sites have been suggested for retail development in the town centre. As part of this consultation, landowners are encouraged to propose sites within Oakham for consideration for retail development.
Policy E12 - Sites for retail development View responses
The Council will actively work with landowners to identify a suitable site (s) which meets the identified need in Oakham for new retail development proposals for non-food retail - Use Class E(a) at ground floor level with other appropriate town centre or residential uses at upper floors. This search for a site will follow the sequential approach to location.
Why is this policy needed?
Rutland Retail, Leisure and Town Centres Study 2023 updated the retail capacity figures for Rutland with respect to convenience goods, comparison goods and bulky goods. Evidence shows that there remains a qualitative deficiency of 'bulky' comparison goods retail to serve Rutland. There is a need to retain an allocation for 'bulky goods' comparison goods floorspace within Oakham, however the availability of suitable sites which meet the sequential approach set out in national policy remains an issue. The site which has previously been allocated for this purpose in Oakham has not been delivered and in reviewing sites for allocation the site is now considered more suitable for housing development.
Comparison goods floorspace requirement
Oakham town centre should continue to perform a role and function as the highest-order centre in Rutland. Whilst there is no identified quantitative need for additional comparison goods floorspace for Rutland over the new Local Plan period, any applications seeking provision of this nature should be directed towards Oakham in the first instance and should, where necessary, demonstrate compliance with the sequential and impact retail policy tests. It is important that any new development is of a scale appropriate to the role and function of Oakham as a small market town.
Due to a lack of suitable land within the town centre and the format of this type of retail uses (which often require larger retail floorspace with on-site car parking) means that it is more likely to be appropriate on the edge of the town centre.