Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Employment Development within the Planned Limits of Development
What will this policy do?
In addition to the provision of new sites and allocations it is also important that the stock of existing employment land and premises is maintained across Rutland (not just within the Key Employment Areas).
The policy seeks to provide flexibility for employment uses of land and the needs of enterprise. It sets out the Council's requirements for applications for a change of use from employment to other uses including housing. The policy will offer a range of employment opportunities across the County within the built-up areas to accommodate the expansion of local businesses and to ensure that there are opportunities for companies to move into the area.
Policy E3 - Protecting existing employment land and premises View responses
- Enhancement of employment premises and sites
The Council will seek to protect and enhance existing employment sites and premises in order to maintain a supply of good quality commercial sites and premises to meet the needs of businesses and the local economy.
The Council will promote and support positive measures to upgrade existing employment areas through supporting appropriate proposals for development/re-development of employment floorspace, upgrading or modernisation of existing premises and/or proposals which make more efficient use of under-used employment sites and premises, where:- the expansion is in keeping with the existing scale of provision and local area, and
- it can be demonstrated that any adverse impacts would not significantly outweigh the benefits.
- Protection of existing employment premises and sites
Existing employment sites and premises will be protected where there remains a reasonable prospect of employment use. Excepting Permitted Development Rights or Local/Neighbourhood Development Orders, change of use from Class E or similar sui generis uses will not be permitted unless:- it is demonstrated that the site is no longer required and is unlikely to be re-used or re-developed for industrial/commercial purposes. This should include clear demonstration of marketing, viability appraisal and the suitability of the site to accommodate the proposed use - using a methodology to be agreed by the County Council at pre-application advice stage; or
- the proposed use will generate new employment opportunities and will achieve economic enhancement of the County and an alternative use would not be detrimental to the overall supply and quality of employment land within the County or
- the existing location poses insurmountable environmental harm or amenity which cannot be satisfactorily resolved. The Council will require evidence that the site has not been made deliberately unviable, that marketing has been actively conducted for a reasonable period of time and that alternative employment uses have been fully explored.
- Relocation and expansion of existing businesses
The Council will positively encourage the expansion of existing firms, through both relocation within Rutland, as well as the enlargement of existing premises, provided that the development:- will improve their economic and environmental sustainability;
- will not have an adverse impact on the environment for local residents;
- will enhance the sustainable development potential of the location and /or adjoining sites;
- is sensitive to its surroundings in terms of landscape, character, scale and design; and
- does not have an unacceptable impact on local roads.
- Office development
The Council will seek to direct office development to the town centres.
- Range of unit sizes
Where appropriate the Council will require the provision of a range of unit sizes including small and medium sized business units and live-work units in new economic development and mixed-use sites to ensure the needs of businesses are met.
Why is this policy needed?
Protecting and enhancing existing employment sites and premises can make an important contribution to ensure that there is sufficient available floorspace and the opportunity for good quality modern workspace providing employment opportunities in the County. A flexible supply of employment land and premises to meet business needs includes the protection and upgrading of existing sites where these are accessible and there is a good prospect of continued employment use.
The Council's Employment Study (2023) provide strong economic justification for the retention and protection of the County's supply of existing employment sites and buildings where they are well located, in order to continue to be available to meet the needs of existing and expanding/modernising businesses. This applies to a range of business uses and types of employment, including office use, light manufacturing, workshops, storage use, and smaller business enterprises in the rural areas. The study concludes that there is a need to protect its employment sites from non-employment uses, such as housing or retail.
The Council recognises that employment generation does not only relate to the B Use Classes, and therefore proposes that a range of employment generating uses may be appropriate on existing and proposed employment sites. Employment uses are traditionally defined in the Use Classes Order as B2, General Industry, B8, Storage and Distribution and E, Commercial, Business and Service. The diversification of the economy and the decline in traditional manufacturing means that employment opportunities now emanate from a wider range of uses. Not all Class E Uses are appropriate for location on designated employment sites, however it is recognised that there are opportunities for some employment generating, non-B class uses to co-exist alongside the traditional B-class uses on employment sites. There is a balancing act here: the cumulative impact of non-B class uses can have an impact upon the functionality of more traditional B class uses.
The policy allows for mixed use developments to reflect the level of flexibility set out within the NPPF. Mixed use developments may include elements of development that do not fall within the B2 and B8 Use Classes such as trade counters and potentially care/nursing homes, all of which create job opportunity. Proposals for Main Town Centre Uses (as defined in the glossary of the NPPF) will not be supported on designated employment land unless it is first demonstrated that no suitable Town Centre, or edge of centre, sites are available through an appropriate and proportionate sequential test.
Any development proposals for a change of use from an employment use to a non-employment use will need to be justified. These employment sites are important for the economy and any proposal resulting in the loss of jobs will have to demonstrate that the site is no longer viable for employment uses and/or that the loss of the employment would not have a detrimental impact upon the local economy.
Supporting Evidence
Rutland's Economic Strategy (May 2023)
Rutland Employment Needs & Economic Development Evidence (2023)