
Regulation 18 draft Local Plan

Representation ID: 7073

Received: 08/01/2024

Respondent: Mr Tony Godwin

Representation Summary:

Development in small villages:-
I’m concerned about the abolition of PLD’s in small villages and the quality of life which is being affected by the increasing traffic on the A606.
Development in small villages:-
(1) SS4 para(a) includes ‘ a site which will complement or enhance the existing settlement edge’ This is a totally subjective judgement and if an applicant who has been refused goes to appeal, an inspector from the Planning Inspectorate has no hard and fast policy against which to judge the application.
The idea of ‘evening-up’ parts of villages in the way it is currently proposed is open to many interpretations and makes things difficult for planning officers and inspectors alike. It also is problematic for applicants as they can incur considerable costs in making an application which has limited definitive policies against which to judge it and the chances of success.