Planning for Rutland’s Future - Issues and Options Consultation

Ended on the 30 September 2022

4. Next steps

Your comments will be processed and published online. Here you will be able to view comments made by others following the completion of this stage of public consultation.

The Council will consider all comments and prepare further evidence to help determine the preferred options for each issue to inform the next stage of the Local Plan, the "Preferred Options" stage.

Please note: We will make names available unless notified otherwise. But to protect your privacy all other information you provide when registering will not be open to public view. All comments will be publicly available so please ensure that you do not include any personal details within your comments, such as your address.

Your views are important to us, but it is recognised that the planning system is not always easy to understand or navigate. If you have any queries or want to know more about the Local Plan, or want to get involved in future consultations, please get in touch, via email or by contacting our Customer Services team on 01572 722577

If you have responded to this consultation you will be kept up to date with progress on the Local Plan, if you do not wish to respond to this consultation but would like to keep up to date on progress please register your interest by emailing , or alternatively check:



For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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