Rutland Interim Housing Position Statement

Ended on the 28 October 2022

5. Purpose of the Document

5.1 The Interim Position Statement's purpose is to facilitate the delivery of new housing by providing a clear and consistent approach to the assessment of, and decision making on, development proposals on such sites over the period from the adoption of this statement by Cabinet until the adoption of the new Local Plan. It seeks to ensure that new homes are delivered in the right places, and at an appropriate scale, to help meet the needs of Rutland in the short term.

5.2 The Statement identifies the factors that are considered critical to achieving 'sustainable development' in relation to the provision of housing outside of the PLD. It has been prepared within the context set by the vision and objectives of the current development plan system for Rutland, in particular the need to actively manage patterns of growth to make the fullest possible use of walking, cycling and public transport.

5.3 The Statement does not form part of the development plan. The Statement is not a Supplementary Planning Document. Nor does it set out the full range of relevant national or local planning policy and practice that may be applied by decision-makers when considering applications for the provision of housing. It has been prepared to provide clarity and guidance for applicants, local communities, and the Council as decision maker, and should be read alongside the relevant development plan policies for the area. However, the Interim Position Statement will be used as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications by assisting in the balanced judgement for decision makers assessing whether any adverse impacts would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in the NPPF taken as a whole.

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