Site Information
Name of site
Burley Appliances Ltd
Burley Appliances Ltd
SHELAA Reference
Gross Site Area
Net Site Area
Type of site
Brownfield (Previously Developed Land)
Brownfield (Previously Developed Land)
Current land use/character of site (Please mark all that apply)
Indicative Number of dwellings
Indicative Floor Space
1,500 sqm
1,500 sqm
Please indicate the approximate timescale for availability:
Within 5 years
Within 5 years
Stage 1
Is site located adjacent to or within the built up area of Oakham, Uppingham, Stamford or a Larger Village, or capable of delivering a new stand-alone settlement?
Comments: Relationship to settlement
Within the PLD for Oakham
Within the PLD for Oakham
Planning permission in place for housing which is not yet implemented in full and is included in the Five Year Land Supply Monitoring Report
Comments: Planning Permission
2023/0767/OUT 'Outline application for 61 dwellings with all matters reserved except access' is pending. 2022/0741/PED 'Change of use of former office units to 15 dwelling houses' - Prior approval not required.
2023/0767/OUT 'Outline application for 61 dwellings with all matters reserved except access' is pending. 2022/0741/PED 'Change of use of former office units to 15 dwelling houses' - Prior approval not required.
Is the site wholly or predominately within a SSSI or European Nature Conservation Site (SPA/RAMSAR)?
2018m – Rutland Water
Does the site wholly or predominately contain a Scheduled Monument?
Comments: Scheduled Monument
557m – Oakham motte and bailey castle and medieval gardens
557m – Oakham motte and bailey castle and medieval gardens
Is residential site lying wholly or mostly (more than 50%) within Flood Zone 3.
Comments: Flood zone 3
Is site excluded from further analysis?
Reasons for exclusion from further analysis
Stage 2a
SSSI Impact Risk Zones
GREEN = Not within an SSSI IRZ
GREEN = Not within an SSSI IRZ
Proximity to a Local Wildlife Site
RED = Includes or is adjacent
RED = Includes or is adjacent
Proximity to a BAP priority habitat
GREEN = >50m
GREEN = >50m
Landscape sensitivity
n/a = site not covered
n/a = site not covered
Landscape Sensitivity Comments
Within the PLD therefore not assessed.
Within the PLD therefore not assessed.
Proximity to a Registered Park or Garden
GREEN = >50m
GREEN = >50m
Proximity to a Scheduled Monument
GREEN = >50m
GREEN = >50m
Proximity to a listed building
GREEN = >50m
GREEN = >50m
Tree Preservation Orders
GREEN = Site does not intersect with TPO
GREEN = Site does not intersect with TPO
Agricultural land quality
Fluvial flood risk
GREEN = Flood risk zone 1
GREEN = Flood risk zone 1
Surface water flood risk
GREEN = No areas of surface water flood risk are present in the site
GREEN = No areas of surface water flood risk are present in the site
Groundwater Source Protection Zones (SPZs)
GREEN = Not within an SPZ
GREEN = Not within an SPZ
Open space
GREEN = No loss of public open space
GREEN = No loss of public open space
GREEN = Does not intersect with a Minerals Safeguarding Area
GREEN = Does not intersect with a Minerals Safeguarding Area
Employment site
RED = Loss of allocated employment site
RED = Loss of allocated employment site
Primary schools
709.81m – Oakham C of E Primary
709.81m – Oakham C of E Primary
Secondary schools
479.62m – Catmose College
479.62m – Catmose College
GREEN = Relatively flat with no topographical constraints to development
GREEN = Relatively flat with no topographical constraints to development
Biodiversity – International and National Designations (SSSI, SAC, SPA and Ramsar)
GREEN = Not within a Natural England Impact Zone, or within a Natural England Impact Zone but is unlikely to have an adverse impact on any designated site, meaning that Natural England consultation not required
GREEN = Not within a Natural England Impact Zone, or within a Natural England Impact Zone but is unlikely to have an adverse impact on any designated site, meaning that Natural England consultation not required
Biodiversity – Local Designations
AMBER = Significant impacts on Local Wildlife Sites, protected species and BAP priority habitats, but which can be accommodated through mitigation and avoidance of harm and/or further surveys required.
AMBER = Significant impacts on Local Wildlife Sites, protected species and BAP priority habitats, but which can be accommodated through mitigation and avoidance of harm and/or further surveys required.
Settlement Planned Limits of Development
GREEN = Within settlement or edged on 3 sides
GREEN = Within settlement or edged on 3 sides
Heritage Assets
GREEN = No impact on heritage asset or setting
GREEN = No impact on heritage asset or setting
Green Infrastructure
GREEN = Not a public open space/recreation facility - so no loss/impact
GREEN = Not a public open space/recreation facility - so no loss/impact
Important Open Space
GREEN = Not designated
GREEN = Not designated
Water Conservation and Management – Flood Risk
GREEN = No flood risk or minimal downstream flood risk
GREEN = No flood risk or minimal downstream flood risk
Restoration and after use (Minerals sites only)
Waste Management (Minerals sites only)
GREEN = No access concerns
GREEN = No access concerns
Impact on wider road network
GREEN = No significant impact on the wider road network
GREEN = No significant impact on the wider road network
Rights of way
Suitability (2a)
Passes 2a. Potential loss of employment land - safeguarded
Prior approval consent for conversion of offices to 15 dwellings.
Passes 2a. Potential loss of employment land - safeguarded
Prior approval consent for conversion of offices to 15 dwellings.
Does the site pass the stage 2a screening process?
Stage 2b
Proximity to a Conservation Area
GREEN = >50m
GREEN = >50m
Previously Developed Land
GREEN = Brownfield
GREEN = Brownfield
The site is flat. Topography is not a constraint to development.
The site is flat. Topography is not a constraint to development.
Trees: Tree Officer Comments
Biodiversity Study
Site not assessed in study
Site not assessed in study
Ecology Designations: Principal Ecologist Comments
Depending on the buildings on site a bat survey may be needed. A badger survey should also be completed as the site is adjacent to a railway line.
The mature hedgerows and trees should be buffered semi-natural vegetation. Buffers should be semi-natural and not incorporated into plot boundaries.
Further details on the scope of surveys can be found on our website at
Ok subject to mitigation. BNG required.
Comments for planning application 2023/0767/OUT will be relevant.
Depending on the buildings on site a bat survey may be needed. A badger survey should also be completed as the site is adjacent to a railway line.
The mature hedgerows and trees should be buffered semi-natural vegetation. Buffers should be semi-natural and not incorporated into plot boundaries.
Further details on the scope of surveys can be found on our website at
Ok subject to mitigation. BNG required.
Comments for planning application 2023/0767/OUT will be relevant.
Heritage: Conservation Officer Comments
I have no Heritage or Built conservation objection or comments to make on the employment sites that have no identified heritage constraints and are outside of the historic environment. The no objection raised is notwithstanding any below ground Heritage comments.
I have no Heritage or Built conservation objection or comments to make on the employment sites that have no identified heritage constraints and are outside of the historic environment. The no objection raised is notwithstanding any below ground Heritage comments.
Archaeology: Principal Archaeologist Comments
Heritage Potential:
Medium risk
Designated Heritage Assets on site (DLE number):
Designated Heritage Assets within vicinity (DLE number):
300m N of Oakham Conservation Area (478)
100m W of listed chapel (6174)
Known Archaeological Remains on Site (MLE number):
Known Archaeological Remains within vicinity (MLE number):
E. edge bounded by Midland Railway (16080) and C19th cemetery (21689)
200m E of IA/RB early field system (16642)
300m E. of BA barrow cemetery (16640, 5020, 5021 & 22646)
Comments (ELE numbers):
Medium sized area, mostly developed. Trial trenching to W. was inconclusive (disturbed ground) (9201 & 9887). Likely to require appropriate mitigation secured by condition upon any future planning permission.
Heritage Potential:
Medium risk
Designated Heritage Assets on site (DLE number):
Designated Heritage Assets within vicinity (DLE number):
300m N of Oakham Conservation Area (478)
100m W of listed chapel (6174)
Known Archaeological Remains on Site (MLE number):
Known Archaeological Remains within vicinity (MLE number):
E. edge bounded by Midland Railway (16080) and C19th cemetery (21689)
200m E of IA/RB early field system (16642)
300m E. of BA barrow cemetery (16640, 5020, 5021 & 22646)
Comments (ELE numbers):
Medium sized area, mostly developed. Trial trenching to W. was inconclusive (disturbed ground) (9201 & 9887). Likely to require appropriate mitigation secured by condition upon any future planning permission.
This site is located within the existing PLD of Oakham and has not been included in the 2023 Landscape Sensitivity Study.
This site is located within the existing PLD of Oakham and has not been included in the 2023 Landscape Sensitivity Study.
Flood Risk: LLFA Comments
The LLFA would have no objections to the proposal of residential development at this location. The Site sits in Flood zone 1. The site would need to implement a SuDs drainage system
The LLFA would have no objections to the proposal of residential development at this location. The Site sits in Flood zone 1. The site would need to implement a SuDs drainage system
Environmental Health & Contamination: Environment Health Team Comments (if required)
Highways: Highway Officer Comments
The site is already used for employment land and has a reasonable access onto Lands End Way which leads to the A606. There are a number of current planning consents existing for the whole and parts of the site, with one prior approval consented for 15 dwellings. Whilst the site has an existing access, it would need upgrading to suit a residential use. Should an employment use come forward for the whole site, the access including pedestrian access would need upgrading. Should employment come forward, wrapped around the consented prior approval scheme, the LHA would seek a separate access to that of the residential use, which is achievable given the site frontage along Lands End Way.
In summary, the LHA would therefore have no concerns if this land was allocated for employment land but will be requesting access upgrades both within the site and off-site.
The site is already used for employment land and has a reasonable access onto Lands End Way which leads to the A606. There are a number of current planning consents existing for the whole and parts of the site, with one prior approval consented for 15 dwellings. Whilst the site has an existing access, it would need upgrading to suit a residential use. Should an employment use come forward for the whole site, the access including pedestrian access would need upgrading. Should employment come forward, wrapped around the consented prior approval scheme, the LHA would seek a separate access to that of the residential use, which is achievable given the site frontage along Lands End Way.
In summary, the LHA would therefore have no concerns if this land was allocated for employment land but will be requesting access upgrades both within the site and off-site.
Impact on wider road network: Highway Officer Comments
Any employment use would need to be supported with a Transport Statement at minimum to demonstrate the net impact when considering the previous use of the site. However, it is likely that the impact will be negligible given the existing/previous use, so it is unlikely that off-site mitigation will be required other than directly adjacent to the site for access.
Any employment use would need to be supported with a Transport Statement at minimum to demonstrate the net impact when considering the previous use of the site. However, it is likely that the impact will be negligible given the existing/previous use, so it is unlikely that off-site mitigation will be required other than directly adjacent to the site for access.
Parish Council Comments
Consultation responses
Assumed it is available
Assumed it is available
Acheivability- The build out rate assumption for the site is:
Overcoming constraints
No substantial constraints
No substantial constraints
Site suitable for development - retain as employment allocation.
Development principles to include ecology and archaeology comments
Site suitable for development - retain as employment allocation.
Development principles to include ecology and archaeology comments