Rutland Call for Sites 2022

Ended on the 8 January 2024

Call for sites 2022 - Reopened for Gypsy, Traveller, Travelling Showpeople and Bulky comparison goods retail sites

Rutland County Council is consulting on Regulation 18 draft Local Plan and is reopening the 'Call for Sites' to identify a supply of land which is suitable, available and achievable for future development uses within Rutland. Please note, we are opening only to new Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople, and Retail sites.

We are asking interested parties to suggest sites they think would be suitable to help meet the future needs specifically for new Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople, and Retail sites.. The Call for Sites is an essential piece of evidence to support the Local Plan process.

The Council now welcomes any further submissions of Gypsy, Traveller, Travelling Showpeople, and Retail sites to the Call for Sites.

Please Note: Past site submissions submitted in the Call for Sites 2022 do NOT need to be resubmitted through the current Call for Sites process.

The submission of a site through the Call for Sites process only places the site before the Council for consideration as a potential site for future development. The inclusion of any site within this process does not indicate that it will be allocated or successfully obtain planning permission for development.

Submission Information

You will need to complete a separate form for each site that you wish to put forward for assessment.

Before you start, please note that the following information will be required:

  • Contact details of landowner or person submitting on their behalf
  • Site details (including size and location)
  • Site map (plot this on the map in the online form, or provide a map showing the site boundary in context, at minimum 1:2500 scale, with North arrow and a red line indicating its full extent, or attach a shape file)
  • Site information such as any relevant planning history, current land uses, any known constraints and environmental or heritage designations
  • Details of proposed uses and capacity
  • Site availability, achievability, market interest and ownership details
  • Site delivery timeframes

Further guidance is included within the online form.

Once you have started a form, your progress will be saved automatically allowing you to complete it later. Any forms that have not been submitted can be accessed by going to 'My account' and selecting 'Drafts'.

You can view and print your completed site submissions by going to 'My account' and selecting the 'Unprocessed' tab. A print button is available for each form submission.

Submit your Site

To start submitting your site, click the pencil icon to the left. There are help boxes at the top and bottom of the page if you need help using this site.

Please take a moment to read the Council's Privacy Policy before submitting your site. Please be aware that site details will be made public.

The information collected in this response form will be used by Rutland County Council to inform the Local Plan.  The information submitted will be made available to the public. By responding you are accepting that your response and the information within it will be made publicly available.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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