Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
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Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy EN1 - Protection of Sites, Habitats and Species
Representation ID: 8080
Received: 22/11/2024
Respondent: Natural England
Natural England welcomes this policy which establishes a framework for the protection of designated nature conservation sites across the Plan area.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy EN3 - Biodiversity Net Gain
Representation ID: 8081
Received: 22/11/2024
Respondent: Natural England
Natural England welcomes this policy for the comprehensive guidance it includes in both the policy wording and the accompanying text.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Trees, Woodland, and hedgerows
Representation ID: 8082
Received: 22/11/2024
Respondent: Natural England
Natural England supports policies EN4 and EN5.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy EN7: Green and Blue Infrastructure
Representation ID: 8083
Received: 22/11/2024
Respondent: Natural England
Natural England is supportive of policy EN7. We welcome reference to Natural England’s Green Infrastructure Framework under the section “Why the Policy is needed” and the inclusion of the GI Principles Wheel. We would however like to see reference to the National GI Standards which include Accessible Greenspace, Urban Nature Recovery, Urban Greening Factor, and Urban Tree Canopy Cover. These standards can provide output measures so that developers have certainty over what green infrastructure is needed on site. We suggest that the Green Infrastructure Framework should be included within the list of Supporting Evidence.