Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan

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Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan

Whole Plan

Representation ID: 8065

Received: 30/10/2024

Respondent: The Woodland Trust

Representation Summary:

The Woodland Trust, a UK-based woodland conservation charity, is seeking to collaborate with Rutland County Council to develop policies for trees and woodlands in its Local Plan.
The Local Plan (LP) should prioritise the protection of valued habitats, particularly ancient woodlands (AVTs), from loss and damage. It should consider the Ancient Tree Inventory and adhere to buffering standards for these habitats. The LP should also require all development projects to deliver a 20% BNG minimum, maintain BNG units for at least 50 years, and maintain habitat creation funded through other mechanisms. LNRSes should be used for local site allocation, green infrastructure, and habitat creation. The LP should also set standards for high-quality green infrastructure and habitat creation.

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