Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
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Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Chapter 5 – Spatial Strategy
Representation ID: 8125
Received: 28/11/2024
Respondent: Edith Weston Parish Council
Generally support but for St George's Barracks require SSSI to be in place, and review of location for Gypsy, Traveller etc accommodation as this was not identified in the Housing Needs Assessment (AECOM Aug 2022). Also more clarity on provision of public transport provision to Edith Weston.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Chapter 6 – Housing
Representation ID: 8126
Received: 28/11/2024
Respondent: Edith Weston Parish Council
The number of houses proposed on the Officer's Mess needs to be reviewed as it does not comply with previous needs assessment and Edith Weston Parish objects to the unexplained and unsubstantiated increase. There is no justification for finding site ED106(H1.b) suitable for development as it is similar in all key respects to site ED109, and Edith Weston will already meet more than its fair share of housing allocations compared to similar villages in the county.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy H1 – Sites proposed for residential development
Representation ID: 8127
Received: 28/11/2024
Respondent: Edith Weston Parish Council
Policy H1 Housing
Sites proposed for residential development
1. Table 3 – Housing Requirement
The housing numbers envisaged from the 21 Larger Villages are solely allocated to three villages. What is the justification for this?