Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
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Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy SS1 - Spatial strategy for new development
Representation ID: 8286
Received: 02/12/2024
Respondent: Stancliffe Homes Ltd
Agent: DLP Planning Ltd
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
Overall, we have serious concerns about the level of unmet housing need in Rutland and therefore the emerging plan is deemed unsound. Please see our attached report for further detail.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy H1 – Sites proposed for residential development
Representation ID: 8288
Received: 02/12/2024
Respondent: Stancliffe Homes Ltd
Agent: DLP Planning Ltd
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
Promoting land for 41 dwellings on 2.61ha at College Close, Great Casterton (GRT04), a site on the edge of a larger village. It is subject to a current planning application (2024/1311/MAF).
Serious concerns about the level of unmet housing need in Rutland. A higher housing number of 183 dpa is needed to address past shortfalls in meeting needs and to support the Council's economic strategy.
The capacity assumptions of current allocations do not take account of the Biodiversity Net Gain requirement, which is likely to reduce the density and viability of sites. Additional sites will be needed to deliver the housing requirement in full.
There is not a housing trajectory which shows that the allocations will deliver the housing to support the Council’s economic strategy.
The site promoted is for less dwellings than the site was assessed for so the site assessment conclusion that the site size is too large for the settlement size is not valid. Also the SHLAA’s conclusion on landscape impact does not align with the findings of the landscape assessment - the latter concluded development could be suitably accommodated on
this site within certain parameters.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy H4 - Meeting all housing needs
Representation ID: 8289
Received: 02/12/2024
Respondent: Stancliffe Homes Ltd
Agent: DLP Planning Ltd
We support the wording of Policy H4 as currently drafted.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy H7 - Affordable housing
Representation ID: 8291
Received: 02/12/2024
Respondent: Stancliffe Homes Ltd
Agent: DLP Planning Ltd
We support the wording of Policy H7 as currently drafted. However, we stress the importance of addressing the ability to ensure delivery of affordable housing throughout the Local Plan area.
As outlined the Local Plan Foreword, Rutland suffers with issues of affordability due to its high proportion of large houses. The recognition of this policy failure as a result of multiple issues, should be addressed in the emerging Local Plan. An increase in the total housing requirement may need to be considered where it could help to deliver the required number of affordable homes, and so this Plan should increase its housing