Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
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Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy EN10 - Rutland Water Area
Representation ID: 8272
Received: 01/12/2024
Respondent: Empingham Parish Council
These comments are submitted by Empingham Parish Council ( “EPC”) .
EPC in general supports the Regulation 19 pre-submission draft Rutland Local Plan and, in relation to Empingham, considers it to be sound in accordance with S.20 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, and the criteria set out in paragraph 5 of the NPPF.
EPC supports Policy EN10.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy SS1 - Spatial strategy for new development
Representation ID: 8273
Received: 01/12/2024
Respondent: Empingham Parish Council
These comments are submitted by Empingham Parish Council ( “EPC”) .
EPC in general supports the Regulation 19 pre-submission draft Rutland Local Plan and, in relation to Empingham, considers it to be sound in accordance with S.20 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, and the criteria set out in paragraph 5 of the NPPF.
EPC specifically supports policy SS1. EPC supports Empingham being defined as a “Larger Village” where a limited amount of development may help to maintain or enhance its vitality, support existing community facilities, and meet local needs.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Whole Plan
Representation ID: 8274
Received: 01/12/2024
Respondent: Empingham Parish Council
These comments are submitted by Empingham Parish Council ( “EPC”) .
EPC in general supports the Regulation 19 pre-submission draft Rutland Local Plan and, in relation to Empingham, considers it to be sound in accordance with S.20 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, and the criteria set out in paragraph 5 of the NPPF.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
INF4.1 Allocation of Land for new Medical Centre – Empingham
Representation ID: 8275
Received: 01/12/2024
Respondent: Empingham Parish Council
These comments are submitted by Empingham Parish Council ( “EPC”) .
EPC in general supports the Regulation 19 pre-submission draft Rutland Local Plan and, in relation to Empingham, considers it to be sound in accordance with S.20 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, and the criteria set out in paragraph 5 of the NPPF.
EPC specifically supports policy INF.4.1.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
H1.3 Whitwell Road South, Empingham
Representation ID: 8276
Received: 01/12/2024
Respondent: Empingham Parish Council
These comments are submitted by Empingham Parish Council ( “EPC”) .
EPC in general supports the Regulation 19 pre-submission draft Rutland Local Plan and, in relation to Empingham, considers it to be sound in accordance with S.20 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, and the criteria set out in paragraph 5 of the NPPF.
EPC supports policy H1.3