Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
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Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Chapter 7 – Economy
Representation ID: 8579
Received: 02/12/2024
Respondent: Best Little Building Co. Ltd
Agent: Invicta Planning
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The Economic Statement by Marrons considers the Council's employment needs evidence and policy in the Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan, considering the business needs of Best Little Building Co. Ltd. The statement highlights the constraints of the Rutland industrial market, the need to address the low vacancy rate, and the potential constraints of the 26.6ha industrial floor space allocated in the Local Plan. The proposed Site offers an opportunity to meet economic growth objectives while meeting the immediate need of a growing local business in Ketton. However, the economic policies of the Local Plan do not adequately reflect the overall employment need for Rutland and do not provide adequate flexibility for businesses, particularly SMEs, to grow.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy E1 – Strategic employment land allocations
Representation ID: 8580
Received: 02/12/2024
Respondent: Best Little Building Co. Ltd
Agent: Invicta Planning
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The Employment Needs Evidence indicates that 26 sites were promoted as suitable for employment development. However, the current consultation reduces the total number of allocations to 6 sites, removing 2 of the allocations on Pit Lane in Ketton and reducing the total allocation of employment land to 26.4ha. The Council has reduced both the total amount of employment land allocated through the Plan by 10.6ha and specifically within Ketton by a total of 8ha. The allocations do not take into account site constraints or other policies within the Plan, such as the mandatory requirement to deliver 10% Biodiversity Net Gain for new developments or parking requirements for non-residential developments. None of the allocated sites meet the specific requirements of an existing business in Rutland and looking to grow. Therefore, it is not considered that the sites allocated by Policy E1 provide sufficient space to provide for the required employment needs.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy E2 – Employment development on unallocated sites
Representation ID: 8581
Received: 02/12/2024
Respondent: Best Little Building Co. Ltd
Agent: Invicta Planning
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Policy E2 supports new employment development proposals within the Planned Limits of Development in towns and larger villages, but does not allow flexibility for sites outside these limits. Amending Policy E2 would allow new employment development on land adjacent to the limits, creating an opportunity to deliver additional employment land in sustainable locations, ensuring consistency within the Local Plan and NPPF.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy SS8 – Non-residential development in the countryside
Representation ID: 8582
Received: 02/12/2024
Respondent: Best Little Building Co. Ltd
Agent: Invicta Planning
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Policy SS9 focuses on non-residential development in rural areas, similar to Policy E4. It defines how development cannot be reasonably accommodated within or adjoining town and village limits. The policy allows new employment growth, including rural enterprise that creates local employment opportunities and supports the local economy. However, the policy is overly restrictive in terms of the type of new development allowed and the circumstances in which it would be permitted. The policy requires an assessment of buildings/sites across the county to determine suitable alternative premises, which is unlikely for most rural enterprises. The policy goes beyond the requirements of the National Planning Policy (NPPF) and needs to be amended to be "Sound" and consistent with National Policy.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy E1 – Strategic employment land allocations
Representation ID: 8583
Received: 02/12/2024
Respondent: Best Little Building Co. Ltd
Agent: Invicta Planning
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Best Little Building Co. Ltd is seeking a new headquarters and employment space in Ketton. Their site at Steadfold Lane is considered 'broadly suitable' by the Employment Needs Evidence. The Housing and Employment Site Assessment Report (July 2024) assessed the site's suitability for development, passing Stage 1 and identifying no significant constraints. Technical constraints can be overcome, and the site should be allocated alongside Pit Lane due to significant employment needs.
Regulation 19 Rutland Local Plan
Policy E4 - Rural Economy
Representation ID: 8585
Received: 02/12/2024
Respondent: Best Little Building Co. Ltd
Agent: Invicta Planning
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Policy E4 in Rutland aims to support the retention and expansion of existing businesses, but it emphasizes the conversion of existing buildings, which the NPPF does not. It should be updated to align with NPPF Para 88, which allows for new building construction. Policy E4 requires compliance with seven restrictive criteria for development, which goes beyond NPPF Para 89. It only permits new employment uses in rural areas that support the rural economy and cannot be located within the Planned Limits of Development. Policy E1 needs to be more positive and allow for new employment development outside built development limits.