Regulation 18 draft Local Plan
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Regulation 18 draft Local Plan
Policy SS3 – Development within Planned Limits of Development
Representation ID: 7027
Received: 08/01/2024
Respondent: Preston Parish Meeting
With particular reference to Preston village, the residents are concerned about the lack of a PLD for the village (Planned Limit of Development).
Preston residents had always understood that such a PLD existed to protect the village, and its absence is a considerable cause for concern, particularly given policies SS4 and H8 (at least) which may allow for developments outside the normal policy of restraint. Reassurance that the current village boundary will be maintained is a priority for the village.
Comments noted.
It is considered that policy SS4 (now SS3) provides sufficient restrictions to prevent large scale development in small villages whilst allowing for appropriate small scale infill and redevelopment. It should be noted however that the policy has been amended in response to other representations.
Regulation 18 draft Local Plan
Policy EN12 - The historic and cultural environment
Representation ID: 7474
Received: 08/01/2024
Respondent: Preston Parish Meeting
We specifically support the concern raised by CPRE over policy EN12, which appears to allow for greater development in conservation areas such as Preston. Protecting the historic assets of Preston (and other conservation villages) is critical, and we would want to see any Local Plan reinforcing this protection. We would support the CPRE recommendation of ‘presumption against approval for development’ rather than ‘presumption in favour’. WE are concerned that the lack of a PLD will create a loophole that could be exploited by developers, is open to interpretation by the Planning Committee and ultimately the Secretary of State on appeal. Establishing PLDs for smaller villages would go a long way to address such concerns.
Presumption against development is not in accordance with the NPPF.
Regulation 18 draft Local Plan
General comments
Representation ID: 7475
Received: 08/01/2024
Respondent: Preston Parish Meeting
Firstly, as a local Village meeting, we lack the resources and expertise to fully evaluate this complex document. The structure and style of writing makes the document virtually impossible for a lay person to assimilate and fully understand what is proposed.
Comments noted. The Local Plan must deliver a significant level of detail and understand that some of this can be complex. Every effort has been made within the structure of the plan to explain the purpose of the policies proposed.