Regulation 18 draft Local Plan
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Regulation 18 draft Local Plan
H10.3 Seaton Road, Uppingham
Representation ID: 7006
Received: 08/01/2024
Respondent: Uppingham School
Agent: Fisher German LLP
Site Assessment - The site is assessed within the SHELAA (Reference: SHELAA UPP13 -Site ID17 - Site Address: Old sewage works, Seaton Road, Uppingham)There are however a number of issues in relation to the assessment, and it is not clear if the site has been correctly assessed, as the appraisal proforma relative to the site includes reference that access can be achieved from Leicester Road. Further comments include that the site is relatively flat, which is not accurate. The conclusion of the assessment states “this site is considered not suitable for allocation due to the consideration of these specific constraints, when there are less constrained other sites within and adjacent to Uppingham”. Yet it has been included.
Compatibility with policies EN1 and EN3 - Whilst it may be technically possible to achieve a suitable access, the impacts on Arboriculture, Ecology (particularly the need to demonstrate BNG for site’s of this scale from April 2024), character harm and costs mean it is highly unlikely that provision will be viable, nor will the benefits of the allocation, only 3 pitches, outweigh the significant impacts arising.
Land Ownership - Land identified within the Regulation 18 Policies Map differs from that within the SHELAA Site ID17, and actual land ownership. The draft allocation extends west of the SHELAA site, encroaching onto land owned by Uppingham School – the School cricket playing field. This land is not available for development and should be removed from the draft allocation.